Estos compañeros se negaron a tomar un no por respuesta cuando un padre canceló en la sesión de beber de los muchachos: irrumpieron en su casa y lo "secuestraron", arrojaron una funda de almohada sobre su cabeza y lo abrocharon en un minibus.
Ian McLeod felt he was 'too old' to join his son Liam's boozy day out so told him he wouldn't be coming just hours before the 15-strong group headed to Stockport, Greater Manchester, last month.
However the lads 'wouldn't take no for an answer' and quickly hatched a plan to 'kidnap' the 56-year-old from his Southport, Merseyside, home in an 'A-Team' stunt and take him with them anyway.
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Hilarantes imágenes de imágenes desde el interior de la camioneta muestra a su amigo Steve Adcock demanda 'Tenemos que ir a por él' antes de ladrar las órdenes en el grupo de risas mientras la melodía del tema del equipo se reproduce en el fondo.
When they arrive they jump from the vehicle, barge into the house, sling a pillowcase over Ian's head and hoist him by his arms and legs from the living room and out of the front door.
Shoeless Ian shouts for help and grabs onto the minibus' roof as they hoist him over the back seats before his son Liam chucks a pair of trainers in over his head and they slam the door shut.
The smug group can be seen filing into the van before driving off - completing their madcap 'mission' in under a minute.
El video ha acumulado más de 900,000 visitas desde que su hijo Liam McLeod lo compartió en Tiktok a principios de este mes (11 de noviembre) y los usuarios han aclamado la broma 'hilarante' y el grupo 'Mates brillantes'.
Liam, 36, who grabbed one of his pillowcases on the minibus drive to his dad’s house, says some of the group were nervous the mechanic would fight back but were excited to pull off the stunt.
Ian has since revealed he's glad the lads kidnapped him because he enjoyed the trip out, and said he was relieved wife Yvonne McLeod, 56, who helped mastermind the kidnapping, made sure he wasn't in his underwear.

Ian, de Southport, Merseyside, dijo: "Realmente no me sentía a la altura, soy mucho mayor que la mayoría de ellos, así que pensé en sentarme a este.
"I was about to take the dogs out when they came through the door.Sabía bastante rápido que venían a buscarme.
"Some of them were a bit apprehensive because I'm a bit strong.No les gustaba ponerse del lado equivocado de mí.Es un buen trabajo no fue serio.
"I didn't resist that much.Conozco a los personajes y son buenos muchachos, así que estaba feliz de ir al final.Me alegra que hayan recordado mis zapatos.
"I'm glad Yvonne was in on it or I could have been in my boxers, that wouldn't have been good.Tal vez eso hubiera tenido más puntos de vista.
"Once they gave me a beer, I settled down.Fue un buen día y me alegro de que me secuestraran al final porque lo disfruté.
"I don't mind them having a laugh at my expense.Me aseguraré de ir la próxima vez."
El día del 9 de octubre se organizó para levantar el otro espíritu de Ian, Josh McLeod, después de unos meses difíciles, e incluyó ver el FC del Condado de Stockport y visitar el Arcade Club en Bury, Greater Manchester.
The motley crew included some of 28-year-old Josh’s friends from Stockport where he lives, along with family friends and Liam and Josh's childhood pals.
Water sales worker Liam says he knew his dad wouldn't be able to say no if he was bundled into the van, and was convinced he'd enjoy the day if he was forced to attend.
Liam, de Southport, Merseyside, dijo: "Era como un conejo en los faros cuando entramos.Éramos como el equipo A del norte.
"When we picked him up we forgot his shoes, so I'm glad I threw them in at the last minute because there was no going back for them once he was in the van.
"He's a man of few words, but he was pretty shocked and asked 'what's all this?'.
"Then we put a bottle in his hand and gave him his shoes, then he was up for it.Solo necesitaba ese empuje.
"We were looking forward to the day.Lo habíamos planeado durante dos o tres meses, así que fue una pena cuando mi papá me dijo que no vendría.
"I spoke to him on the phone and I pushed him to come but he wasn't having any of it.Uno de los muchachos dijo 'vamos a secuestrarlo' y fue una especie de broma.
"When we got in the van we decided we were going to actually do it.Habíamos tenido una pinta en Wetherspoons con el desayuno, pero no era como si estuviéramos a medias cortes.
"No te metería con mi papá, así que estaba un poco nervioso porque si realmente no quisiera ir, podría haber luchado contra nosotros.
"I was excited though because I think we knew that once he saw us coming to get him he'd realise, 'it looks like I'm going'.Le envié un mensaje de texto a mamá para asegurarme de que estaba vestido.
"The minibus driver is a mate of ours as well, and it's a good job because I don't think we could just tell any driver to pull up here because we're going to kidnap someone.
"He started playing the A-Team theme music and that wasn’t planned and was totally unexpected, but completely added to the moment.
"The day ended up with him falling asleep in bed drunk, so he definitely enjoyed the day out."
Liam dice que el grupo podría repetir el truco en el futuro para asegurarse de que los amigos piensen en retroceder a los últimos minutos de 'Día de los muchachos'.
Liam forgot to post the videos at the time, but when he rediscovered them earlier this month he shared them online where they've gained more than 75,000 likes and almost 1,000 comments.
User @exploringwarrior8 commented: "That's what you call brilliant mates.Pegarse unos a otros y reír.Al menos tienes sus zapatos."
Gemma Stafford bromeó: "El hombre con el Tash parece un profesional en esto."
Joe Eastwood said: "In and out in less than a minute.Estilo SAS."
Jemma Albon said: "I wish my partner's mates would do this.Me daría algo de paz."
Neil Smith added: "This is what proper mates do, Not leave one behind."
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